Friday, February 22, 2008

Semi-Graphic Knee Pictures Ahead.

Ok. Scroll down to see pictures of the Gnometenna Removal Site. In retrospect, it's a little more gross than I remember, but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen posted on the internet.

Mom helped me wash my hair today using the doggie shower attachment thing. I don't know why Vinnie doesn't like baths, it really felt quite nice. I sat on an ottoman next to the tub with my leg up on a chair and sort of had to hold my neck up over the tub. A neck and abs workout. (Not so much with the abs. It was really quite easy.)

I'm getting better at the MiddleOftheNight pain management. (kept a banana next to my bed, my body oh-so-smartly woke me up at 4:30, 20 minutes before the stuff was going to wear off...I ate some banana, popped some V to the Max, and fell back asleep.) I'm still less good at the waking up in the morning and the OhManIt'sAllWornOffHolyCrap time. This morning it was my hamstring and quad again. Felt like they were at war. With my body. Trying to escape. Good thing I have strong skin to keep them in.

The stitches site (which I saw from the picture, there are more than I thought...I must've blocked it out while Changing of the Dressings was happening) sort of burns and tingles today. I'll be happy when they take 'em out on Monday. Then hopefully I'll be able to bend it without feeling like Frankenstein.

I was sad to have missed rehearsal last night. Just being there is really healing and positive for me. Feeling useful does wonders for my spirit.

My friend Emily (who's also in the aerial company) called me from Florida this morning. Not going to lie, it made me cry to hear from her. This damn injury must've broken my ThickSkinSwallowYourFeelings button. Which is guess isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Cassie-Moo's ESP is starting to creep me out a little bit. Every time I get even slightly upset or start to be in pain, there she comes, trotting up the stairs and jumps onto my bed and curls up by my knee. It's amazing and creepy. But mostly amazing.

Oh, and I found a comfortable sleeping position last night. So maybe I'll take a picture of my HallofthePillowMountianKing (bohm boh bohm boh bum bum bum! bum bum bum! bum bum bum!)

Ok. Pictures below. really happened. No lies. (Clicking on them makes them full screen big. You've been warned.)










Original last layer of dressings. Look! It's really not too swollen, right?!? (Ok, it is a little bit)

A portrait of the Gnome!! (Bloody gauze pads on left side for horror film effect)

I should've been a doctor. Total pro re-wrapping job. (And Vinnie helped.)

1 comment:

Scan said...

well, you know what I mean.

I like the face.
I like the vinners.

I'm glad V for Vendetta is helping you not hurt so much.